Photo of carolina migliora Argentina

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Migliora Carolina
Born in Buenos Aires on November 8, 1974.
In 1998 she obtained her degree in fine arts, painting guidance in the School of Fine Arts. Universidad Nacional de La Plata
He currently serves as Associate Professor in the Department of Basic Drawing the Faculty of Fine Arts, Universidad Nacional de La Plata.


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6.30 x 9.45 in
42.13 x 663.39 in
12.60 x 9.25 in
92.52 x 12.60 in
92.52 x 12.60 in
9.45 x 12.60 in
12.60 x 9.06 in
76.77 x 84.65 in
9.45 x 12.60 in
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Photo of carolina migliora Argentina

Migliora Carolina
Born in Buenos Aires on November 8, 1974.
In 1998 she obtained her degree in fine arts, painting guidance in the School of Fine Arts. Universidad Nacional de La Plata
He currently serves as Associate Professor in the Department of Basic Drawing the Faculty of Fine Arts, Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

2007, took classes with Marcia Schvartz.
Year 2005 he traveled to Cuba under the project "From cities south" with Belle Benfielfd, English artist, Romero and Gretchen Ludmila Arrate, Cuban artists, with whom for four wall and a sample group. Sponsored by The Directorate General of Cultural Affairs of the Chancellery Argentina and funded by The Bower Trust (England).
Year 2004. Participate in the Sixth Meeting of Mural Painting INTER-NOS, Santiago de Cuba. Sponsored by the Directorate General of Culture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Argentina
Cursa "Book Art and Visual Poetry" postgraduate taught by Juan Carlos Romero. E. Superior Esc The Cárcova.
In 2003 clinic takes work in the workshop of Luis Felipe Noe.
Year 2003/2002. Cursa "Form and Color I" taught by John Astica Degree, Graduate School of Arts Cárcova.
From 1999 until 2002 was part of the team conducting the Teatro Catalinas Sur Group, La Boca.
Between 1999 and 2000 Course 1st. and 2nd. Graduate Level "The Mural" dictated by Ariosto Otero, Mexican muralist, Faculty of Fine Arts, National Univ of La Plata. SAMPLES AND HONORS
2005: "ICH" Solo exhibition, Art Gallery Finding You, Palermo, Buenos Aires
- "Something like that," Sample group under the project "From cities south", Galería de Arte Universal, Santiago de Cuba.
2003: Solo exhibition Freely Day Centre within the PREA program. Temperley.
2002: "20 Bars - 20 Artists" intervention in the City of La Plata, First Show at the Teatro Argentino in that city.
2001: Group Show, "Four Young Artists" cultural space La Boutique, La Plata.
2000: Selected in the 1st. Theme Painting Contest and Auction, Patio Bullrich, 40 Argentine artists create their work with the same item, the value of the work was donated to Foundation Happy boys and Infant Nutrition Research Center. -Selected for Awards in October, 4th. Issue-2000. Hall theme "The Urban Argentina." 1999: Solo exhibition. "Small tributes to the memory" Paintings, Cultural Center La Colmena, La Plata. -Group Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings, Casa de los Estudiantes de la FUBA, BA "Group Show," Young Illustrators, C. Cultural Islas Malvinas, La Plata. 1998: Selected for Exhibition of Painting "Art Retreat II." Buenos Aires Collective Exhibition at the headquarters of the Latin American FM radio. "Group Show at the Gathering of Folk Art: Take and Bring. Show-Second Prize in COAP-Zarate, category mural. WALL
2006: 11 artists, 11 players from Boca Mural Project in Barrio Bonito, Nike, La Boca, Buenos Aires
2005: Mural Design and Realization, "the 12" Quique Museum, La Boca
"Make four murals on the island of Cuba within the framework of the" From cities, the South. "
-Design and production of murals for the movie Wagon Train Patagonia. Black River Province.
2004: Participation in the Sixth Meeting of Mural INTER-NOS, Making ceramic mural in the aqueduct of the city of Santiago de Cuba.
-Coordination and implementation of Mural in the MOI, squatter movement and Tenant, Housing Cooperative. Engraved Téc. 2003: Making the facade of the MOI. Téc Engraved. 2002: "Solidarity Mural Idea, coordination and implementation, with Mural Group of 20 murals in 20 districts of the city under the Solidarity Week, organized by the Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires. 2001: Participation in three murals under the direction of Maestro Ariosto Otero, Téc Engraved, Magdalena Contreras, DF, Mexico. -Mural designer in Theatre and Art House "Doña Rosa", declared of cultural interest by the Municipality of Quilmes, Province of Buenos Aires Blue Group. -Coordination and participation in Mural on Candomble, organized by Two Shores, Afrorrioplatense Popular Culture Association, Boedo, Cap. Fed Realization of scenic mural on the facade of the Cultural Tour to allegorical Barracks Barrio history and history of the Centre, Teatro Catalinas Sur Group. Mural-Making designer in Art Gallery in the tourist circuit Caminito, La Boca, Buenos Aires Blue Group. 2000: Mural Making sgraffito technique to the Ministry of Education of the Province of Buenos Aires, La Plata. 1999: Mural Making in the neighborhood of La Boca, Buenos Aires within the 4th. Self-guided tourist circuit of the city. Grupo de Teatro Catalinas Sur.
2001/2005: Professor of Plastic Project Youth Club "in schools. Secretary of Education.
2004: Performing for the project Lithograph "Homage to Jose Marti", Workshop Aguilera. Santiago de Cuba.
-Set for folk artist, Chaco Palavecino, Estadio Luna Park.-Design and Realization of scenery for the show "A Salute to Rumbero" Iyamba Group. Ana Itelman room. 2003: Participation in the Caravan Traveling Puppet. Event "Let's Play," National Board "Palais de Glace". 2002: Gives Mural workshop at the School of Aesthetics of El Carmen, Province of Buenos Aires "Puppets and Puppet Teaching Cutural Center Barracks. 2000: Making Set "Goodbye Chalchaleros" National tour 2000-2001. Blue Group. 1999: Making dolls for End of the Millennium celebrations, La Boca, Boca-network for the Barracks. Catalinas Sur Group. "Competition Jury spots for children, coordinated by the Rainbow Workshop and shot by the Disc. Culture Management Centre and neighborhood involvement. 1998: He teaches an art workshop for children in private. 1997: Participation in 1eras. Mural Days Argentine and Latin American, College of Fine Arts of the Nation Ernesto De La Cárcova, Buenos Aires

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